Impetus Digital
Committed Since: August 2020
WaterPark Place, 20 Bay Street, 11th Floor , Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8, Canada
At Impetus Digital, we strive to reduce the environmental impact of meetings and events in the life science industry by replacing or supplementing in-person meetings with virtual encounters. By offering virtual meeting solutions that come with all the same features as in-person events, along with superior engagement rates, quality and quantity of insights collected, and substantially lower costs, we aim to make eco-friendly virtual events a mainstay among life science and pharmaceutical organizations.
Providing Eco-friendly Virtual Events
We are committed to offering the largest variety of synchronous and asynchronous virtual event and meeting tools in the life science industry. We are continuously working to improve our cutting-edge tools and best-in-class service offerings to ensure that our virtual events are not just comparable–but superior–to in-person events. We will also continue to raise awareness around the reduced environmental footprint and other benefits of virtual vs. in-person events.
Minimizing the Carbon Footprint of Our Team Members
By remaining a 100% remote team, we aim to minimize the carbon footprint associated with commuting to and from an office every day, while simultaneously offering high flexibility, convenience, and work-life balance for all team members.
Accelerating Reforestation
Through our new partnership with Tree Canada, we will be planting trees on behalf of our clients and team members to celebrate a variety of milestones and situations. We believe that accelerating reforestation while minimizing deforestation is one of the key tools to combating climate change, and we see this program as an important stepping stone towards our goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2030.
Giving Back to Our Communities
We are committed to organizing annual Earth Day events where team members will be empowered to give back to their local communities through initiatives such as tree-planting, neighborhood clean-ups, and more. We will also continue to support environmental and healthcare charities as a way to say “thank you” to our clients and followers.
Becoming Carbon-neutral by 2030
Our overarching environmental goal is to become carbon-neutral by 2030. Between now and then, we will explore multiple initiatives to determine the most impactful and efficient ways to achieve this.