GBB Public Profile and Marketing
Stellar Technical Products Status
Stellar Technical Products
Committed Since: January 2024
Gardena, CA, United States

Stellar Technical Products is committed in best practices to be socially and economically responsible in our sustainability efforts to our employees, customers, and community. We believe that our local efforts reinforce global goals in protecting our Earth. Our actions will focus on aligning with our values to become a carbon neutral company by 2025, including:


Total Points Earned

5 points
Community & Society
8 points
Workplace & Culture
9 points
40 points
Consumption & Waste
16 points
Water Use
8 points
Energy & Emissions
0 points
Work from Home
26 points
0 points
26 points
January 2024
To limit our overall consumption and waste.

We are continuously reviewing our policies and procedures to find ways of creating impactful long-term, environmental strategies. We follow the 3 r\'s: recycle, reuse, and reduce!

January 2024

See our score from EcoVadis to assess our sustainability performance.

January 2024
To source from sustainable manufacturers and to work with eco-friendly partners.

We are actively working with our vendors to meet growing regulatory and due diligence requirements while demonstrating our environmental commitments to our customers.

January 2024
To encourage sustainable initiatives among our employee force.

We are implementing exciting ways to incentive our employees to do their part in and out of the office. From offering team building exercises planting trees to working hybrid schedules to Wellness Program perks, supporting each other keeps us motivated.

January 2024
To update our building maintenance with energy efficient resources.

We are pledging to maximize the spacing and usage in our headquarter location. This includes properly discarding our waste, recyclables, and hazardous products, while bringing in green-certified supplies and materials with a trusted sustainability rating.

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