GBB Public Profile and Marketing
Stellar Technical Products Status
Stellar Technical Products
Committed Since: January 2024
Gardena, CA, United States

Stellar Technical Products is committed in best practices to be socially and economically responsible in our sustainability efforts to our employees, customers, and community. We believe that our local efforts reinforce global goals in protecting our Earth. Our actions will focus on aligning with our values to become a carbon neutral company by 2025, including:


Total Points Earned

5 points
Community & Society
8 points
Workplace & Culture
9 points
40 points
Consumption & Waste
16 points
Water Use
8 points
Energy & Emissions
0 points
Work from Home
26 points
0 points
26 points

Rent or purchase a building that is close to public transportation stops and bike paths

Work from Home

Use a hybrid personal vehicle


Replace Open/Closed signs with LED or high-efficiency alternatives.

Water Use

Install a filtered water tap or water bottle refill station that provide high-quality drinking water

Consumption & Waste

Establish a paperless billing program for your customers


Work with vendors to minimize product packaging.

Workplace & Culture

Have accessible green space somewhere onsite or in close proximity to grounds


Offer digital coupons instead of printing coupons for distribution.

Work from Home

Locate home office in room with ample windows to take advantage of daylighting

Consumption & Waste

Purchase recycled or remanufactured toner cartridges


Use virtual meeting platforms to replace travel when possible

Community & Society

Evaluate customer and community satisfaction with your company through calculating your net promoter score (NPS)

Consumption & Waste

Use a shared or centralized printer

Community & Society

Designate an employee as community engagement leader or create a community engagement team


Organize a sustainability committee to lead your organization’s sustainability program


Complete the GBB getting started steps


Develop a sustainability mission statement for your business and define your company’s core commitments


Populate your company’s sustainability accomplishments in your profile


Announce your commitment to GBB to all employees

Workplace & Culture

Relax the office dress code to allow for attire that doesn’t require dry cleaning

Work from Home

Eliminate the use of disposable batteries throughout your home and switch entirely to rechargeable

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