Public Profile
Clearyst Inc Status
Clearyst Inc
Committed Since:

GBB Points





January 2023
Committed to DEI

Clearyst is committed to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. Our journey is never over, however we are proud of the progress we have made thus far in our two-year history. Things to highlight: 100% of employees agree with the statement, “I am not afraid to be myself at work.” 100% of employees agree with the statement, “My manager treats me fairly in the way they interact with me.” 89% of employees agree with the statement, “I am free to express my opinions at work.” 67% of women in leadership positions 0% female employee turnover

July 2022

As a proud United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) member, Clearyst is committed to upholding the highest ethical investing and sustainability standards. Our membership underscores our dedication to integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into our investment decision-making processes. By aligning with UNPRI principles, we strive to promote transparency, accountability, and positive social change within the investment community. At Clearyst, responsible investing generates financial returns and contributes to a more sustainable and equitable future for all stakeholders.

March 2023
Skillbridge Certified

The DOD SkillBridge program allows service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of service. DOD SkillBridge connects transitioning service members with industry partners like Clearyst, in real-world job experiences.

February 2024
Great Place To Work

92% of employees feel they receive a fair share of the profits made by the organization 92% of employees feel they are paid fairly for the work that they do 100% of employees feel they are treated fairly regardless of their race, gender, age, or sexual orientation 100% of employees feel this is a physically safe place to work

June 2023
Clearyst Operates at NET ZERO

Clearyst’s partnership with Lillianah Technologies involves carbon capture and removal using Lillianah\'s phytoplankton dispersal methodology. This approach is highly effective in marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR). Clearyst\'s collaboration with Lillianah enables it to operate at net zero by engaging in high-quality aquatic-based carbon capture.

January 2023
Value Vanguard Awards

Instituted in 2023, the Value Vanguard is someone who, over the past quarter, has gone above and beyond in bringing one of our CLEAR values to life. To be considered, employees submit nominations every quarter. The winner receives varying gifts, with this year’s prize being a company contribution to the Value Vanguard’s charity of choice. Clearyst Values Compassion for all - We are empathetic towards people and responsible for the well-being of our planet. Legacy Impact - We embrace legacy-defining moments to ensure a lasting impact on humanity and our environment. Exponential Mindsets - We are 10x thinkers who create ESG value through our sustainability tech solutions Authenticity Always—We are open, honest, diverse, inclusive, and true to our unique selves. Results-Driven - We are deliberately results-oriented in our planning and execution of goals and objectives.