GBB Public Profile and Marketing
Branham Group Inc. Status
Branham Group Inc.
Committed Since: August 2023
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, United States

At Branham Group, Inc., our mission is to drive the global transition to clean and renewable energy sources by delivering innovative solutions that empower individuals, communities, and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. Our unwavering vision is to provide every service with the fundamental tenets of Quality, Integrity, and Value. Going beyond mere project delivery success, we are dedicated to constructing sustainable projects that transcend conventional standards, thereby contributing to the enhancement of three interconnected realms: our CLIENTS, their COMMUNITY, and the ENVIRONMENT.

Accomplishment Introduction

Branham Group, Inc. has been selected to provide engineering procurement construction (EPC) services for the upcoming expansion announced by City Roots Farm, a family-owned organic farm focused on year-round microgreen production.


Total Points Earned

5 points
Community & Society
62 points
Workplace & Culture
68 points
183 points
Consumption & Waste
148 points
Water Use
8 points
Energy & Emissions
38 points
Work from Home
338 points
30 points

75-99% of your workdays are remote


Offer employee incentive programs for the purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles

Work from Home

Use a tankless or otherwise highly efficient home hot water heater


Rent or purchase a building that is close to public transportation stops and bike paths

Work from Home

Compost your home food waste

Work from Home

Replace your home’s water-intensive grass with regionally native, climate resilient ground coverings


50-74% of your workdays are remote

Consumption & Waste

Implement a comprehensive recycling program including education, proper sinage, and monitoring

Work from Home

Buy home office electronics that are energy efficient, ENERGY STAR, EPEAT, ROHS, etc.

Work from Home

Use a hybrid personal vehicle


Meet if not exceed Federal and State regulations for your industry

Consumption & Waste

Eliminate all single-use paper, styrofoam or plastic cups, plates, and utensils in the kitchen area. Use reusable mugs, dishes, and silverware instead


Schedule regular maintenance on company vehicles to ensure each vehicle is operating as efficiently as possible to reduce emissions

Workplace & Culture

Provide a benefits package that meets the needs of employees, and is well-defined, accessible and transparent to all workers

Workplace & Culture

Have a four-day work week

Work from Home

Properly recycle all household waste according to your local regulations

Work from Home

Install a programmable thermostat to automate your home HVAC or A/C system

Work from Home

Switch to low-pressure and highly efficient showerheads and faucets

Consumption & Waste

Purchase all office paper products made from 50-100% recycled materials

Energy & Emissions

Arrange the workspace to take advantage of areas with natural sunlight

Consumption & Waste

Purchase or lease used or recycled office equipment and furniture

Community & Society

Philanthropically donate a percentage of your revenue or profits and/or company time to an environmental cause

Community & Society

Reserve at least one day a year when your company volunteers for local environmental or community projects (e.g., Habitat for Humanity, Earth Day, Save a Tree)

Energy & Emissions

Purchase ENERGY STAR qualified or similarly highly efficient appliances

Community & Society

Have a clearly defined policy that specifies how you will screen partners and vendors to ensure that their business operations are socially responsible and eco-friendly

Workplace & Culture

Provide equitable opportunities to ensure women have equal access to employment, leadership roles, and pay

Work from Home

Use your personal, fossil-fueled vehicle less than 75 miles a week

Work from Home

Purchase produce in-season from local farmer’s markets or co-ops

Work from Home

Lower the max temperature of your hot water heater from 140 to 120

Consumption & Waste

Properly dispose of all hazardous waste materials including batteries, paint and chemicals, lightbulbs, aerosol cans, and electronics

Work from Home

Properly dispose of all household hazardous waste materials including batteries, paint and chemicals, lightbulbs, aerosol cans, and electronics

Water Use

Install a filtered water tap or water bottle refill station that provide high-quality drinking water

Community & Society

Become an annual sponsor, making a substantial contribution to a meaningful event promoting sustainability in your area

Consumption & Waste

Significantly limit the amount of physical marketing materials you produce

Consumption & Waste

Use environmentally-friendly, non-toxic, bio-based cleaning products

Energy & Emissions

Replace regular light bulbs with LED bulbs

Consumption & Waste

Establish a paperless billing program for your customers

Consumption & Waste

Use recycled and environmentally preferred office supplies such as pens, notebooks, etc.

Workplace & Culture

Have accessible green space somewhere onsite or in close proximity to grounds

Work from Home

Weatherize your home by ensuring all windows and doors in your home are properly installed, functioning, maintained, weather-stripped, etc.

Work from Home

Use concentrated home cleaning products

Work from Home

Use an eco-friendly home pest control service that minimizes the use of toxic pesticides


Conduct multiple quality checks on your products and/or services before distributing to consumers to ensure highest possible quality

Consumption & Waste

Choose paperless billing with vendors, business partners, and suppliers when possible

Consumption & Waste

Eliminate unnecessary paper usage as much as possible including forms, contracts, meeting agendas and materials, proofs, and drafts

Workplace & Culture

Give opportunity for all employees to provide feedback of any kind and feel secure and empowered to do so

Work from Home

Replace all traditional bulbs with LED bulbs throughout your home work space

Work from Home

Use eco-friendly, bio-based, non-toxic home cleaning products

Work from Home

Use reusable cleaning products such as sponges or towels instead of paper towels throughout your home

Work from Home

Stop using all single-use plastic kitchen utensils, plates, bowls, and cups

Work from Home

Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags when shopping

Work from Home

Use natural light throughout 75% of the day instead of overhead lights

Work from Home

Locate home office in room with ample windows to take advantage of daylighting

Community & Society

Place a company employee on the organizing committee for a sustainability event

Consumption & Waste

Recycle or sell your used toner cartridges

Consumption & Waste

Purchase recycled or remanufactured toner cartridges

Consumption & Waste

Develop a paper reduction policy that clearly defines when and how items should be printed

Workplace & Culture

Use air-filtering plants throughout the office

Consumption & Waste

Print and copy double-sided only

Community & Society

Make your business’ sustainability efforts a central part of your message by filling out and linking to your GBB Public Profile and publishing your sustainability commitment on your website

Consumption & Waste

Choose bio-based, reused, recycled, recyclable, or FSC certified boxes and bags for shipping


Use virtual meeting platforms to replace travel when possible

Community & Society

Communicate your social responsibility initiatives with customers and other stakeholders in a way that clearly defines your company values, policies, objectives and actual performance

Consumption & Waste

Eliminate all physical marketing materials, rely only on digital methods

Energy & Emissions

Add shades/window covering to reduce heat gain

Work from Home

Add shades/window covering throughout your home to reduce heat gain

Work from Home

Change your home HVAC or A/C filters every 90 days-6 months maximum as is recommended by your filter thickness and type

Work from Home

Reduce vampire loads by unplugging non-essential electrical appliances when not in use

Work from Home

Use smart power strips throughout your house in areas of high plug loads

Work from Home

Plant native, region-friendly plants in your home garden

Work from Home

Opt out of receiving home junk mail

Work from Home

Stop purchasing single-use plastic waterbottles. Install a water filter if necessary

Community & Society

Designate an employee as community engagement leader or create a community engagement team

Consumption & Waste

Purchase trash liners made from 50-100% recycled materials

Energy & Emissions

Reduce “vampire loads” by unplugging appliances when not in use

Community & Society

Commit to inviting, receiving and acting upon customer and community feedback in a welcoming and constructive way at all times.

Work from Home

Donate used clothing and furniture


Communicate pricing and services transparently, authentically, and consistently to all customers


Organize a sustainability committee to lead your organization’s sustainability program


Complete the GBB getting started steps


Develop a sustainability mission statement for your business and define your company’s core commitments


Populate your company’s sustainability accomplishments in your profile


Announce your commitment to GBB to all employees

Workplace & Culture

Use natural odor elimination

Workplace & Culture

Relax the office dress code to allow for attire that doesn’t require dry cleaning

Work from Home

Eliminate the use of disposable batteries throughout your home and switch entirely to rechargeable

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