Public Profile
Robert Gordon Industries LTD Status
Robert Gordon Industries LTD
Consumer Products
Committed Since:

GBB Points






Total Points Earned

All Initiatives
5 points
Community & Society
64 points
Workplace & Culture
307 points
51 points
Consumption & Waste
175 points
Water Use
161 points
Energy & Emissions
259 points
187 points

All Initiatives

These initiatives encompass a comprehensive range of sustainability strategies implemented to reduce environmental impact and promote social responsibility. They address key areas such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, sustainable transportation, fostering an equitable workplace, and supporting community well-being. Each initiative is designed to tackle specific environmental, social, or economic challenges, helping organizations achieve their sustainability goals while contributing to a more sustainable future. Initiatives are listed by completion date, each contributing to the overall score and GBB certification level.



Provide a living wage for all employees

Workplace & Culture

Provide a comprehensive benefits package

Workplace & Culture

Install high-efficiency plumbing fixtures

Water Use

Install energy efficient windows

Energy & Emissions

Implement a water use and conservation plan

Water Use

Provide equitable pay and leadership opportunities for women

Workplace & Culture

Institute a professional development policy

Workplace & Culture

Upgrade fluorescent tube lights to LED

Energy & Emissions

Use a highly efficient hot water heater

Energy & Emissions

Complete a consumption and waste audit

Consumption & Waste

Implement a comprehensive recycling program

Consumption & Waste

Conduct quality checks on products and services


Limit impermeable outdoor surfaces

Water Use

Install automatic faucets

Water Use

Install a programmable thermostat

Energy & Emissions

Choose a building with easy public transit access


Provide regular formal employee reviews

Workplace & Culture

Build a diverse executive leadership team

Workplace & Culture

Create a detailed risk management plan


Plant native, regionally-friendly plants

Water Use

Conduct an energy audit

Energy & Emissions

Properly dispose of all hazardous waste

Consumption & Waste

Offset unavoidable travel emissions


Purchase certified highly efficient appliances

Energy & Emissions

Administer company-wide sustainability training

Workplace & Culture

Screen partners’ social and environmental responsibility

Community & Society

Provide a social or environmental product or service

Community & Society

Exceed federal and state regulations for your industry


Regularly replace HVAC filters

Energy & Emissions

Provide an annual public sustainability report

Community & Society

Have accessible green space

Workplace & Culture

Establish a diversity, equity, and inclusion policy

Workplace & Culture

Seal, weather-strip, and maintain all windows

Energy & Emissions

Purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

Energy & Emissions

Measure carbon footprint

Energy & Emissions

Require leaders to be trained in ESG policies


Implement a supplier code of conduct policy

Consumption & Waste

Conduct a water usage audit

Water Use

Install faucet flow rate controls

Water Use

Purchase 100% recycled or FSC-certified paper

Consumption & Waste

Select used or recycled office equipment and furniture

Consumption & Waste

Hold at least one volunteer day a year

Community & Society

Install light switch occupancy sensors

Energy & Emissions

Develop an office thermostat policy

Energy & Emissions

Conduct exit interviews

Workplace & Culture

Ensure employees take breaks

Workplace & Culture

Have a diverse board


Implement a human health and safety policy


Adhere to labor laws and practices


Implement an employee code of conduct policy


Implement a whistleblowing policy


Implement discrimination and harassment policy


Disclose business practices and financial statements to stakeholders


Use 100% bio-based trash liners

Consumption & Waste

Replace light bulbs with LEDs

Energy & Emissions

Encourage employee carpools


Purchase recycled toner cartridges

Consumption & Waste

Eliminate physical marketing materials

Consumption & Waste

Optimize exterior and roof colors for climate

Energy & Emissions

Use paperless billing

Consumption & Waste

Use concentrated cleaning products

Consumption & Waste

Implement an employee feedback system

Workplace & Culture

Conduct regular cyber security checks


Recycle used toner cartridges

Consumption & Waste

Develop a paper reduction policy

Consumption & Waste

Use reusable cleaning products

Consumption & Waste

Unplug appliances when not in use

Energy & Emissions

Eliminate all physical marketing materials

Consumption & Waste

Use a shared printer

Consumption & Waste

Implement a conflict of interest policy


Establish a clear governance structure


Train employees on cyber and data security procedures


Designate your office as a smoke-free working environment with outside smoking areas 25 feet away from building entry areas and common walkways

Workplace & Culture

Use ceiling fans in place of air conditioning

Energy & Emissions

Organize a sustainability committee to lead your organization’s sustainability program


Complete the GBB getting started steps


Develop a sustainability mission statement for your business and define your company’s core commitments


Populate your company’s sustainability accomplishments in your profile


Announce your commitment to GBB to all employees
