GBB Points
Total Points Earned
Initiative |
Category |
Use high-efficiency plumbing fixtures, like high efficiency toilets (HETs) and urinals (HEUs) |
Water Use |
Upgrade from older fluorescent T12, T8 and T5 lamps to LED alternatives |
Energy & Emissions |
Rent or purchase a building that is close to public transportation stops and bike paths |
Transportation |
Have a composting program for your business food waste |
Consumption & Waste |
Install a smart irrigation controller that uses weather or soil moisture data to irrigate appropriately |
Water Use |
Implement a comprehensive recycling program |
Consumption & Waste |
Install faucets with controls that turn off automatically (motion sensors) |
Water Use |
Implement a sustainability process and standard for all meetings, conferences, and events |
Consumption & Waste |
Optimize your on-premise servers and business systems by ensuring the hardware is up-to-date and energy efficient |
Energy & Emissions |
Plant native, regionally-friendly plants to minimize water use and impact on local habitat |
Water Use |
Install or choose a building with electric charging stations on site |
Transportation |
Eliminate all single-use paper, styrofoam or plastic cups, plates, and utensils in the kitchen area. Use reusable mugs, dishes, and silverware instead |
Consumption & Waste |
Schedule regular maintenance on company vehicles to ensure each vehicle is operating as efficiently as possible to reduce emissions |
Transportation |
Install light switch occupancy sensors in proper locations to automatically turn off lighting when no one is present |
Energy & Emissions |
Provide a product or service, as part of your company’s core strategy, that delivers a social or environmental benefit and/or focuses on an underserved part of the community. |
Community & Society |
Provide a benefits package that meets the needs of employees, and is well-defined, accessible and transparent to all workers |
Workplace & Culture |
Choose a pest control service that minimizes the use of toxic pesticides |
Consumption & Waste |
Install a programmable thermostat to automate your HVAC or A/C system |
Energy & Emissions |
Use chlorine-free and FSC-certified paper products |
Consumption & Waste |
Implement a supplier code of conduct policy |
Consumption & Waste |
Purchase all office paper products made from 50-100% recycled materials |
Consumption & Waste |
Arrange the workspace to take advantage of areas with natural sunlight |
Energy & Emissions |
Ensure all windows are double pane, low-E, and energy efficient |
Energy & Emissions |
Use a drip irrigation system for watering landscaping |
Water Use |
Reserve at least one day a year when your company volunteers for local environmental or community projects (e.g., Habitat for Humanity, Earth Day, Save a Tree) |
Community & Society |
Optimize the color of your outside walls and the roof for your climate |
Energy & Emissions |
Purchase ENERGY STAR qualified or similarly highly efficient appliances |
Energy & Emissions |
Provide an annual public report or update on your company’s environmental and social responsibility efforts, initiatives, and improvements |
Community & Society |
Develop an office thermostat policy that maintains internal air temperature within the recommended temperature range, and eliminates A/C and heating usage when the building is not occupied |
Energy & Emissions |
Institute a policy for providing training, certification, and professional development opportunities to employees |
Workplace & Culture |
Create and implement a human health and safety policy |
Governance |
Adhere to labor, child labor, forced labor, and reasonable working hour laws and practices |
Governance |
Keep corporate accounting accurate and up-to-date, enabling operation decisions to be made about investing, hiring, and project management |
Governance |
Properly dispose of all hazardous waste materials including batteries, paint and chemicals, lightbulbs, aerosol cans, and electronics |
Consumption & Waste |
Install water flow rate controls (aerators) on faucets |
Water Use |
Install a filtered water tap or water bottle refill station that provide high-quality drinking water |
Water Use |
Ensure all windows and doors are properly installed, functioning, maintained, and weather-stripped, etc. |
Energy & Emissions |
Significantly limit the amount of physical marketing materials you produce |
Consumption & Waste |
Complete a consumption and waste audit to help identify and quantify the items your business acquires, uses, and discards |
Consumption & Waste |
Use environmentally-friendly, non-toxic, bio-based cleaning products |
Consumption & Waste |
Replace regular light bulbs with LED bulbs |
Energy & Emissions |
Undergo regular and complete check-ups and maintenance of your HVAC or A/C system |
Energy & Emissions |
Establish a paperless billing program for your customers |
Consumption & Waste |
Use concentrated cleaning products |
Consumption & Waste |
Have accessible green space somewhere onsite or in close proximity to grounds |
Workplace & Culture |
Regularly evaluate employee satisfaction through interviews, surveys, or calculation of employee net promoter score |
Workplace & Culture |
Choose paperless billing with vendors, business partners, and suppliers when possible |
Consumption & Waste |
Eliminate unnecessary paper usage as much as possible including forms, contracts, meeting agendas and materials, proofs, and drafts |
Consumption & Waste |
Conduct exit interviews to gain insights on company culture and operations and make improvements based on feedback |
Workplace & Culture |
Give opportunity for all employees to provide feedback of any kind and feel secure and empowered to do so |
Workplace & Culture |
Apply window film to reduce excess solar heat in the building |
Energy & Emissions |
Become an active member, either by serving on the board, donating or volunteering time for an organization that continually works to improve the environment |
Community & Society |
Recycle or sell your used toner cartridges |
Consumption & Waste |
Purchase recycled or remanufactured toner cartridges |
Consumption & Waste |
Change your HVAC or A/C filters every six months or more frequently as is recommended by filter type |
Energy & Emissions |
Regularly test your irrigation system to ensure proper configuration, optimized watering schedule, and eliminate overwatering and waste |
Water Use |
Designate carpool, hybrid, and EV parking spaces that are in preferred areas of your parking lot (e.g. closer to the building entrance or covered) |
Transportation |
Print and copy double-sided only |
Consumption & Waste |
Make your business’ sustainability efforts a central part of your message by filling out and linking to your GBB Public Profile and publishing your sustainability commitment on your website |
Community & Society |
Use a sustainable web hosting service |
Energy & Emissions |
Choose bio-based, reused, recycled, recyclable, or FSC certified boxes and bags for shipping |
Consumption & Waste |
Reuse, sell, or donate used or unneeded furniture, equipment, and office supplies |
Consumption & Waste |
Use virtual meeting platforms to replace travel when possible |
Transportation |
Communicate your social responsibility initiatives with customers and other stakeholders in a way that clearly defines your company values, policies, objectives and actual performance |
Community & Society |
Use recycled office supplies |
Consumption & Waste |
Add shades/window covering to reduce heat gain |
Energy & Emissions |
Provide regular formal review, linked to a comprehensive development plan, with clear and constructive feedback to all employees |
Workplace & Culture |
Use a shared printer |
Consumption & Waste |
Conduct regular cyber/data security checks |
Governance |
Include a specific commitment to a positive social and environmental impact in your corporate mission statement |
Governance |
Use 100% bio-based trash liners |
Consumption & Waste |
Purchase trash liners made from 50-100% recycled materials |
Consumption & Waste |
Designate your office as a smoke-free working environment with outside smoking areas 25 feet away from building entry areas and common walkways |
Workplace & Culture |
Reduce “vampire loads” by unplugging appliances when not in use |
Energy & Emissions |
Commit to inviting, receiving and acting upon customer and community feedback in a welcoming and constructive way at all times. |
Community & Society |
Donate used clothing and furniture |
Work from Home |
Document board meetings with minutes and final write-up/reports and distributed to all essential members |
Governance |
Communicate pricing and services transparently, authentically, and consistently to all customers |
Governance |
Organize a sustainability committee to lead your organization’s sustainability program |
Prerequisites |
Complete the GBB getting started steps |
Prerequisites |
Develop a sustainability mission statement for your business and define your company’s core commitments |
Prerequisites |
Populate your company’s sustainability accomplishments in your profile |
Prerequisites |
Announce your commitment to GBB to all employees |
Prerequisites |
Relax the office dress code to allow for attire that doesn’t require dry cleaning |
Workplace & Culture |