GBB Public Profile and Marketing
ASSEMBBLE Co.,Ltd Status
Committed Since: December 2023
Daejeon, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of

ASSEMBBLE Co.,Ltd is an AI-based platform company that leads the digital water and digital energy industries based on communication and trust. ASSEMBBLE aims to implement a global green company(also known as an environmentally friendly or sustainable business) that cares about the environment and people. In addition, we will continue to strive to become a company that contributes to society and fulfills its responsibilities.


Total Points Earned

5 points
Community & Society
28 points
Workplace & Culture
103 points
54 points
Consumption & Waste
118 points
Water Use
8 points
Energy & Emissions
63 points
Work from Home
12 points
117 points
0 points
May 2024
Establishing standards for correct value judgment that employees must adhere to

Establishing standards for correct value judgment that employees must adhere to - Code of ethics regulations to maintain integrity. - Conduct ethical management training. - Mandatory ethics pledge.

May 2024
Actively practicing human rights management in all activities

- People are the top priority in management activities. - Conduct anti-bullying training in the workplace. - A safe and healthy working environment is our top priority.

May 2024
Realizing a global green company that cares about the environment and people

- Provide eco-friendly solutions. - Creating an environmentally friendly culture. - Energy savings.

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