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Girl Scouts of Manitou Council Status
Girl Scouts of Manitou Council
Committed Since: November 2023
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States

Using resources wisely and making the world a better place is an essential part of what it means to be a Girl Scout; these are key parts of the Girl Scout Law. Today’s Girl Scouts are implementing plans of action to address environmental and social issues such as climate change, climate justice, and environmental stewardship. Girl Scouts of Manitou Council’s sustainability initiatives are built on these core values. We act on our responsibility to care for our own forests and bodies of water, the wildlife who live within them, to reduce the council’s environmental footprint and to educate and inspire Girl Scout members.

Accomplishment Introduction

In 2023 Manitou Council organized a sustainability task group to serve as our leading advocates for our greening efforts. A big thank you goes out to Alec Bartolai of Sargento, Laura Grunwald of Sheboygan County, Kayla Riege and Samantha McLelland of Kohler Company, and Board Members Amy Molepske (chair) and Deb Sabol-Williams. Following donations from those honoring Camp Evelyn on its 75th Anniversary by donating to our sustainability initiatives, we kicked off the formal initiative with all volunteers and employees in the November Volunteer 411 enews.  Click on "Certification" above for a complete list of our sustainability achievements so far.


Total Points Earned

5 points
Community & Society
100 points
Workplace & Culture
125 points
60 points
Consumption & Waste
142 points
Water Use
159 points
Energy & Emissions
165 points
Work from Home
58 points
115 points
December 2023
Master Choices in Maintenance

Environmental impact will be a prominent deciding factor in 2024 as we replace the Girl Scout Center roof and parking lot, the Cedars Lodge deck, and the furnace in the Pine Troop House.

November 2023
A Goat\'s All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

We will be eliminating invasive species at Camp Manitou using goats while continuing our long-standing eradication efforts at Camp Evelyn. Goats prefer the invasive buckthorn leaves over most everything else, and not the native low-stature jack-in-the-pulpit and lady fern, which can then make a strong comeback. This makes goat browsing a really good tool and reduces the need for herbicide spraying. Additionally, we will spread native forest grass seed on the grounds before they arrive, and then the goats work the seed into the ground with their hooves as they graze.

November 2023
More Powerful - Less Energy

We will reduce vampire loads by unplugging non-essential electrical appliances when not in use.  We will use smart power strips throughout the Girl Scout Center in areas of high plug loads. 

November 2023
Better Paper and the Places to Put It

We will assure that trash bins and liners and office paper products are made from 100% bio-based or 50-100% recycled materials. This will require sourcing. We will reduce junk mail by removing our name from national direct marketing databases. 

November 2023
Commitment to the Bodies of Water Entrusted to Us.

We will continue partnering with Badgerland Construction to repurpose clean ground water they unearth to fill Serenity Lake. We will continue partnering with the DNR and the Crystal Lake Association to eradicate invasive species at Crystal Lake.

November 2023
It takes a Council

We will hold a council-wide challenge with all Girl Scouts to use fewer single-use items.  We will educate employees and the teen advisory board on sustainability efforts related to office, camps, and general life practices.  

November 2023
Water Savvy- Inside and Outside

We will evaluate the water well system at Camp Manitou for effectiveness and environmental impact and make plans based on the evaluation. We will continue switching to highly efficient showerheads and faucets. 

November 2023
Once and Done is Done!

We will eliminate all single-use paper, styrofoam or plastic cups, plates, and utensils in our kitchen areas and use reusable mugs, dishes, and silverware instead. This will take a considerable commitment for dining in the units at Camp Evelyn

November 2023
Let There Be (natural) Light

We will seek funding to upgrade all older fluorescent T12, T8 and T5 lamps to LED alternatives. Absent funding, we will continue the transition to LED overtime. We also will use natural light throughout 75% of the day instead of overhead lights. 

November 2023
Be Tree Cool and Tech Hot

We will install programmable thermostats to automate our HVAC or A/C system at the Gemini buildings at Camp Evelyn, the only Manitou Council site without them.  We will also trim trees around the Cedars Troop House at Camp Manitou to allow for more efficient heating and cooling of the building.

November 2023
Responsible Construction in Crystal Lake House Upgrade.

From double-paned, low-E windows, engineered or cross-laminated timber, to light timers and LED lights, to high-efficiency furnaces and water heaters, Manitou Council works to ensure our buildings are responsibly constructed and maintained. Each plan to improve or maintain our properties includes favoring choices that show the lowest negative impact on the environment. Recently the Crystal Lake House was upgraded with new, double-pane, low-E windows and new siding and deck built with sustainable materials. Click on \"certification\" above for a complete list of our sustainability achievements.

July 2017
Reestablishing a Natural, Free-Following River

The Mullet River was dammed as it flowed through camp. Working with the Department of Natural Resources, Trout Unlimited, and Sheboygan County, we removed the dam and reestablished the natural flow of the river.

August 2020
Saving the gas and time of 1,000 volunteers while lowering greenhouse gases in the atmosphere!

We share information with and gain input from our 1,000 troop leaders virtually for 2 of the 3 meetings we hold yearly, eliminating the need for driving to meetings. We also use an online membership and camp registration system and produce most communications pieces electronically eliminating much of our paper use. Click on \"certification\" above for a complete list of our sustainability accomplishments.

April 2021
Eliminated single-use bottled water at camp!

We installed five water bottle fillers at Camp Evelyn, eliminating the need for single-use water bottles at camp. This is not only great for the environment, but an ethic that our young people value highly. Click on \"certification\" above a for a complete list of our sustainability accomplishments.

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