Public Profile
Murphy\'s Corporate Housing Associates Status
Murphy's Corporate Housing Associates
Committed Since:

GBB Points






Total Points Earned

All Initiatives
5 points
Community & Society
18 points
Workplace & Culture
61 points
22 points
Consumption & Waste
55 points
Water Use
8 points
Energy & Emissions
36 points
34 points

All Initiatives

These initiatives encompass a comprehensive range of sustainability strategies implemented to reduce environmental impact and promote social responsibility. They address key areas such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, sustainable transportation, fostering an equitable workplace, and supporting community well-being. Each initiative is designed to tackle specific environmental, social, or economic challenges, helping organizations achieve their sustainability goals while contributing to a more sustainable future. Initiatives are listed by completion date, each contributing to the overall score and GBB certification level.



Eliminate individual bottles of water for employees and guests by installing water filtration systems.


Create an executive leadership team with women, minorities, and people from underrepresented communities in top leadership roles

Workplace & Culture

Eliminate all single-use paper, styrofoam or plastic cups, plates, and utensils in the kitchen area. Use reusable mugs, dishes, and silverware instead

Consumption & Waste

Schedule regular maintenance on company vehicles to ensure each vehicle is operating as efficiently as possible to reduce emissions


Provide a product or service, as part of your company’s core strategy, that delivers a social or environmental benefit and/or focuses on an underserved part of the community.

Community & Society

Purchase ENERGY STAR qualified or similarly highly efficient appliances

Energy & Emissions

Develop an office thermostat policy that maintains internal air temperature within the recommended temperature range, and eliminates A/C and heating usage when the building is not occupied

Energy & Emissions

Provide equitable opportunities to ensure women have equal access to employment, leadership roles, and pay

Workplace & Culture

Provide fair and appropriate breaks for workers based on hours worked and enforce a strict policy that they must take them

Workplace & Culture

Institute a policy for providing training, certification, and professional development opportunities to employees

Workplace & Culture

Properly dispose of all hazardous waste materials including batteries, paint and chemicals, lightbulbs, aerosol cans, and electronics

Consumption & Waste

Install a filtered water tap or water bottle refill station that provide high-quality drinking water

Water Use

Replace regular light bulbs with LED bulbs

Energy & Emissions

Establish a paperless billing program for your customers

Consumption & Waste

Choose paperless billing with vendors, business partners, and suppliers when possible

Consumption & Waste

Eliminate unnecessary paper usage as much as possible including forms, contracts, meeting agendas and materials, proofs, and drafts

Consumption & Waste

Make guest registration paperless


Recycle or sell your used toner cartridges

Consumption & Waste

Develop a paper reduction policy that clearly defines when and how items should be printed

Consumption & Waste

Use virtual meeting platforms to replace travel when possible


Replace disposable dishes in rooms with glass or ceramic substitutes


Use ceiling fans in place of air conditioning when possible

Energy & Emissions

Reduce “vampire loads” by unplugging appliances when not in use

Energy & Emissions

Organize a sustainability committee to lead your organization’s sustainability program


Complete the GBB getting started steps


Develop a sustainability mission statement for your business and define your company’s core commitments


Populate your company’s sustainability accomplishments in your profile


Announce your commitment to GBB to all employees


Relax the office dress code to allow for attire that doesn’t require dry cleaning

Workplace & Culture