Public Profile
Rocket Industrial Status
Rocket Industrial
Committed Since:

GBB Points





August 2022
Remove One Million Pounds of Packaging Waste Per Year

In 2016, Rocket Industrial initiated a promise to remove one million pounds of packaging waste from the landfill through optimization of our clients\' packaging, annually. While falling just short of that number the first few years, we are proud to announce in 2020 our goal was first met. Numerous re-engineering projects paired with total costs analysis propelled us past our mark.

July 2022
Feed My Starving Children Pack Out Events

Rocket Industrial volunteers with FMSC several times per year to pack meals that are distributed to children in need across the world. These meals include rice, a vegetable and nutrient blend, and soy- all of which are key to healthy nutrition. Most recently Rocket Industrial sponsored FMSC’s Pack in the Park event at the Minnesota Twin’s stadium, where we were able to work side by side with many other businesses to pack over 83,000 mels in just a couple hours.

March 2020
Reduced Plastic Stretch Film Waste by 75% for Customer

By partnering with Rocket Industrial, the manufacturer experienced less product damage from better packaging performance, and was also able to standardize their packaging process across multiple locations. Incorporating plastic banding and using a dust cover improved the packaging performance, while also reaching sustainability goals by reducing plastic waste by 75% from less stretch film usage. Plastic banding is also more easily recycled than stretch film.

April 2022
Ghidorzi Green and Clean

Event partner of Ghidorzi Green and Clean, Wausau’s annual cleanup to free our beautiful landscape of litter and debris. In 2022 helped remove 4.31 tons of trash from the greater Wausau area