Public Profile
Martechnic  Status
Machinery and Equip Mfg
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Since the implementation of ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system in 2015, we have been methodically working on assessing the company’s daily operation and improving our environmental and operational performances for seven years now.


Our effective technical solutions for on-site oil quality management are designed and developed in a way that provide possibilities to optimise routine operational measures of critical machinery in order to contribute to sustainable maintenance. Integration of oil condition monitoring programs into regular practices can help to efficiently comply with international norms of environmental protection whereby minimizing environmental impact, supporting sustainable development and saving precious resources. Whereby internal organization of company’s work is certified with ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system and audited each year to ensure compliance with the latest international requirements and to constantly improve our environmental, sustainability and operational performance.

January 2022
Environmental Management System

We are committed to ensure consistent levels of quality to our customers whereby effectively developing innovative technical solutions to support sustainable operation and maintenance of machinery and equipment. We implemented the environmental management system as a part of our business ethics to contribute to global environmental efforts aiming at reduction of waste and saving of precious resources. Team work, reliability, social responsibility, environmental commitment and safety of our employees and customers are among our core values we rely on in our daily practices to ensure sustainable company development.

January 2017
Waste Management Program

We have successfully introduced a waste management program including considerable waste reduction actions and complete waste sorting and recycling (paper, plastic, glass, food composting and aluminium). Special hazardous waste incl. oily waste and batteries, lightbulbs and electronics is disposed separately in accordance with local regulations and specifications. Moreover, we encourage our employees to dispose privately owned used batteries, lightbulbs and electronics within the company’s waste management program to ensure their proper eco-friendly disposal.

May 2021
Energy Efficiency

We have substantially improved our company’s energy efficiency by revising our power consumption and minimizing it in order to decrease energy and maintenance costs. Our energy supplier provides green electricity from environmentally friendly and sustainable sources.